Assassin’s Creed Unity WebGL VR Promotional Experience
Again with our partners Biff New Media we helped put together a promotional 3d web experience for one of the new Assassin’s Creed games. Find out more HERE
Again with our partners Biff New Media we helped put together a promotional 3d web experience for one of the new Assassin’s Creed games. Find out more HERE
Our friends at Biff New Media asked us to help with a promotional web game for the launch of Assassin’s Creed IV Black Flag. Given the tight deadline and it being our first WebGL project it was an interesting challenge. Over 10 000 players took part and enjoyed the life of pirating and plunder but without the scurvy we hope!
We helped our friends at FourPixel/Strianol port their casual game ‘DragonFly’ from Android to iOS. Try it out on Apple’s appstore right now!
We are pleased to announce the game that we worked on with Beatnik Games for Sony’s PlayStation Mobile launch is now available to buy. As covered by press such as Kotaku.
Welcome to the start of our online presence. We are SpinKICK and we develop video games.
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